Friday 19 September 2008


The word "mommy" means something different for each and every one of us. It is a universal, cross-cultural term used to describe a biological and/or social female parent of an offspring - but it's much more than that. Mother, mom, mummy, ima (in Hebrew), ma, and hundreds more, it is the most basic and fundamental concept we understand (although not always a child's first word - dada or the likes usually is, which is always a source of amusement for most mothers who spend every waking hour with their children for the first few months of their lives only to have their child look at them with huge eyes and go "dada"). For me, becoming a mother is the most wonderful experience I have ever encountered. I think to some extent I was reborn when I gave birth. I became small and vulnerable again, and let motherhood slowly reshape me. All of my previous beliefs and values were shaken to the core and refurbished. And now, all it comes down to is an almost animal-like need to love and protect my child no matter what.
So this blog is about being a mother, with everything it entails. My outlook is ninety-percent optimistic but it sometimes gets hard, especially in the world we live in where listening to the news makes you want to take your child far far away to an undiscovered island until they are in their nineties. The essence of motherhood is complex - you feel like you've been exposed in a way that leaves you tender and bruised. The dangers of the world are magnified as you see things through the eyes of a growing child, but so is the beauty and the innocence that surrounds your child with every waking moment. I feel the need to share, to let it all out, to speak about it. So for those of who have been through it already more than once, be patient - I still have a long journey to embark on.

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